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Self Motivation
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Is it time to make a  change ?

Imagine finally breaking free from anxiety, stress & overwhelm and discovering a calmer happier, more confident you. Feel better and make lasting, positive changes in your life with my unique blend of proven holistic change tools including Solution Focussed Hypnotherapy, EFT, and Matrix Re-Imprinting.


Sessions are available in Bristol and online.

Relax with Ease & Sleep Well

Feel Confident & Empowered

Get Un-stuck & Move Forward

Set & Achieve Your Goals

Increase Joy & Happiness

Would you like to discover what your life will be like once you are free of what’s been holding you back?

Do you find yourself frustrated at how - in spite of your best efforts to make positive changes in your life – true change has so far eluded you and you find yourself stuck in repeat?
Thankfully, irrespective of how long you may have been struggling with any of the above – positive change is possible - and I would love to support you in finally achieving it!
Whether you are currently struggling with feelings of overwhelm and anxiety, or are held back by self-doubt and low self-confidence, or are seemingly unable to overcome unwanted self-sabotaging habits such as binge-eating or smoking - chances are you have already discovered the power of your amazing mind – even if sadly in a rather negative way! Because, when what you are trying to achieve in your conscious mind and the automated behavioural programmes and negative beliefs running in your sub-conscious mind are at odds with each other - against all your better intentions and efforts - those stubborn non-consciously held beliefs and automatic thought & behavioural patterns tend to win!

Understanding how your mind works, so that you can finally harness its amazing power to your advantage, rather than disadvantage, holds the key to finally creating the life you always wanted!
In my practice as a Clinical Hypno-Psychotherapist and Transformational Life Coach, I combine an empowering understanding of how to utilise the way our powerful human mind works to our best advantage with a range of fast acting, proven therapeutic approaches including EFT, Matrix Re-Imprinting, Solution Focused Brief Therapy, Breathwork & Mindfulness.

We work together to empower you to finally leave those old unwanted negative behavioural patterns and limiting subconscious beliefs firmly behind so that you are free to start building & living the life you really want.
Curious to find out more?
I was amazed at how quickly I went from the depths of difficulty to a place of optimism & empowerment in such a short time. Thank You!

J.H., London

Start to feel better in 3 easy steps...

Call for a free 20 min chat

We'll find some time to talk.

You tell me about whatever it is you are dealing with -

 and I tell you how I can help. We'll discuss fees and options.

Absolutely no strings attached!

If you like what you hear, we'll

Book an initital consultation

Building on our chat, we'll have a full initial consultation. We'll get to know each other better, and look at your issue & what needs to be done to resolve it in more detail. You will get a clearer sense of what working with me will feel like. Plus, you will gain additional understanding of the underlying subconscious drives of our emotional states and behaviours &

how I can help you to create positive change.

Start a course of dedicated sessions - feel better & live with joy again!

What I can help with

What I can help you with:

Releasing Stress & Overwhelm

Overcoming Procrastination

Increasing Self


Increasing Resilience

Setting & Achieving Your Goals

Finding Relief from Anxiety


Positively Navigating

Life Changes

Recovering from Trauma


Stopping Smoking/

Bad Habits

Overcoming Fears & Phobias

Lifting Depression




Supporting Fertility/


Joyful Pregnancy & Confident Birth



Stormy Skies

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy & Coaching

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is a form of Psychotherapy that elegantly combines the principles of Solution Focused Brief Therapy with the tools of Clinical Hypnotherapy. It promotes an empowering understanding of the interplay of our thoughts, emotions and behaviours, and follows recent discoveries of neuroscience. As Hypnotherapy works directly with the subconscious mind, changes can be achieved in a much easier and typically faster way than conventional talking therapy can accomplish. As the name suggests, the focus of the sessions is firmly on solutions rather than problems, and as such, on what actionable steps can be taken in the present rather than dwelling unduely on the past. Thus, you are supported to reach your goals based on doing more of what works, and less of what doesn't.

Image by Danilo Ćalić

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
Matrix Re-imprinting

EFT (sometimes also called "Tapping"), is an evidence-based therapeutic method, that combines the principles of modern psychotherapy  with ancient practices of accupressure.

Gentle tapping on specific accupressure points on the body activates the relaxation response and calms the nervous system, so that distressing emotions and thoughts can be processed and discharged in a highly effective way. EFT creates lasting positive shifts in both mind and body, and comparative studies have even shown this powerful approach to bring faster results than CBT in addressing anxiety, depression, and PTSD. An added bonus of this approach is that it also can be used as a self-help tool to address challening emotions right when they occur in the day-to-day.

Matrix Re-Imprinting, builds on the advances of EFT,  and offers remarkable efficacy in not only giving an individual greater insights into their beliefs and behaviours, but ultimately enables them to positively transform their relationship with past events and re-write those resulting believes so that any negative influences from past events can first be neutralised and then powerfully transformed to drive positive change in the here and now. Negative beliefs, self-sabotaging, self-limiting behaviours, anxieties, depression, phobias, traumas, relationship issues, and many more psychological and even physical challenges can find relief from this remarkable modality.



It's great to see you here!


I am a firm believer that life is for living - and with as much joy as possible!  And yet - against all our better intentions - stress, anxiety, overwhelm & self-sabotaging behaviours can build up all too easily - and living with joy and ease can become ever harder to achieve.


I founded "Live with Joy" to provide the antidote to this!


I first came to appreciate the transformative power of Hypnotherapy when I used it to overcome my  deeply held fears of childbirth - with great success. I went on to have such an empowering & positive experience of birth that I decided to become a HypnoBirthing practitioner & Solution Focussed Hypnotherapist myself. Fast forward 15 years, a few more powerful therapeutic modalities added to my toolbox and hundreds of happy clients later, I have had the great joy to observe the powerful transformation that these tools offer over and over again.

My clients tell me that I have a knack for getting to the heart of the matter quickly - and they love the results that working with me has brought them.


If you are curious to find out how working with me can help you leave stress and anxiety behind, reach your goals and experience greater joy in your life, just give me a call so we can set up your free discovery call.


Eva Kraemer HPD, DSFH, HBCE

Solution Focused Hypno-Psychotherapist,

Advanced EFT & Matrix Re-Imprinting Practitioner,

Success Mindset Coach, BWRT Practitioner,

HypnoBirthing Antenatal Teacher,

Mama Mentor

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